“Humanity was never perfect in spirit and so has never fallen away from Creation.”
„Die Menschheit war nie vollkommen im Geiste und ist daher nie von der Schöpfung abgefallen.“
«Человечество никогда не было совершенным по духу и поэтому никогда не отпадало от Творения».
“De mensheid was nooit volmaakt van geest en is dus nooit van de Schepping afgevallen.”
« L’humanité n’a jamais été parfaite en esprit et ne s’est donc jamais éloignée de la Création.
«Η ανθρωπότητα δεν ήταν ποτέ τέλεια στο πνεύμα και έτσι δεν απομακρύνθηκε ποτέ από τη Δημιουργία».
„Az emberiség soha nem volt tökéletes lélekben, és így soha nem esett el a Teremtéstől.”
„Lidstvo nikdy nebylo duchem dokonalé, a proto nikdy neodpadlo od Stvoření.“
”Ihmiskunta ei ole koskaan ollut hengeltään täydellinen, joten se ei ole koskaan erkaantunut Luomakunnasta.”
”Mänskligheten var aldrig perfekt i anden och har därför aldrig fallit bort från skapelsen.”
«Menneskeheten var aldri fullkommen i ånden og har derfor aldri falt bort fra skaperverket.»
»Menneskeheden har aldrig været perfekt i ånden og er derfor aldrig faldet fra skabelsen.«
“A humanidade nunca foi perfeita em espírito e, portanto, nunca se afastou da Criação.”
«La humanidad nunca fue perfecta en espíritu y por eso nunca se ha alejado de la Creación».
„Ľudstvo nikdy nebolo duchom dokonalé, a preto nikdy neodpadlo od Stvorenia.“
„Človeštvo ni bilo nikoli popolno v duhu, zato ni nikoli odpadlo od stvarstva.“
„Човечеството никога не е било съвършено по дух и затова никога не е отпаднало от Творението.“
“L’umanità non è mai stata perfetta nello spirito e quindi non si è mai allontanata dalla Creazione”.
“Cilvēce nekad nav bijusi garā perfekta, tāpēc tā nekad nav atkrituši no Radīšanas.”
„Žmonija niekada nebuvo tobula dvasia, todėl niekada nenutolo nuo Kūrinijos.“
„Omenirea nu a fost niciodată perfectă în spirit și, prin urmare, nu s-a îndepărtat niciodată de Creație.”
The Three Races
The three races created by god and the celestial sons began with Adam around 13,000 years ago.
1:2 Semjasa, the celestial son and guardian angel of god, the great ruler of the distant travelers who traversed the expanse of the universe, together with a terrestrial woman, begot Adam, the father of the white human race.
1:3 Adam took for himself an earth wife and begot Seth.
The locations of the three races were revealed to Jmmanuel through the celestial gates. Adam and his people lived in a special area, a small portion of which, much later (only 3,000 to 2,000 years ago) became the scene of Israel.
regarding Jmmanuel 2,000 years ago:
4:13 Here, he saw the celestial gates open, of which there were three different ones.
4:14 The celestial gates radiated in brightest Sohar an area great as the lifeless sea near the river Jordan.
4:15 Actually radiating therein was the whole land of Israel, alive and true, humans and animals and everything that was there.
4:16 In this first celestial gate, there was no concealed secret, because the Sohar entered into the smallest room of the cottages and revealed the last hidden thing.
A group(s) traveled east from the first location.
4:17 Inside the second celestial gate, there rose mighty mountains, whose tops reached into the sky and disappeared into the clouds.
4:18 Far below lay deep masses of snow, at whose edges another human race, of brown skin, built their huts.
Further in the 2,000 year old text is made mention of “the land of the king with horns.” He was of the third race, the group(s) deriving of the first that traveled north.
4:19 The third celestial portal revealed a land of gigantic dimensions, mountainous and interspersed with rivers, lakes and seas, where again another human race dwelled.
15:31 “These few patriarchs are knowers of truth and true knowledge, and they recognize only the laws of Creation.
15:32 “However, they have become rare in this land and can be counted on one hand.
15:33 “They are only a few, and no one’s eyes may see them, and no one’s ears may hear them.
where does god reside? Chapter 4 is why I ask.
“The Americans are a very lucky people. They’re bordered to the north and south by weak neighbors, and to the east and west by fish.” Otto von Bismarck.
What’s a strong country? Overpopulation so he can fight in wars?……….. Oooo what a lucky man, he was (Song from around 1970)
Animals in the wild have been known to reject young ones, and the whole herd rejects them. Have I have seen it? No. Ask a wildlife person.
Consider the cause may be incest when they call it autism, Aspergers or Down’s syndrome.
You can’t hide your moron eyes.
On rare occasions the incest gene can produce what appears to be the cream of the crop, the creme de la creme, meaning the person produced just seems to be perfect. Always look closely for anything that may be “off.” Could be an ego thing or a pride thing. Incest, if not dealt with effectively could have dire consequences for individuals and the planet.
All self aware beings, whatever level of self-awareness they may be, have access to communication with the three highest ____________ (fill in the blank): god, spirit and Creation.
Its time for the white races to stand up to their god-hood, stand up for their god-hood.
In June 1968 (’67 now), Israel’s best friend, USA was working in conjunction with Israel spying on. The spy ship used in that endeavor was the USS Liberty off the coast of Egypt in international waters.
Mr. Heaton: Hello, thank you for watching Forgotten History. Once again this is Colin Heaton your humble host. And uh, in a subsequent follow-up to our USS Liberty video, we have the great privilege of interviewing Mr. Phil Tourney who was on the Liberty and is a survivor and he can give his first person perspective which should deflate some of the negative comments we had about the video and uh, there’s nothing like going straight to the source. And on that note I introduce Mr. Phil Tourney and he will tell us about uh, himself and what he was doing on that mission.
Mr. Tourney: Yes sir, thank you Colin for the invite and my my name again is Philip F Tourney. I was a third class petty officer in damage control, June 8th 1967, that was my GQ station, General Quarters.
About uh 15 minutes before the attack, we had just secured from General Quarters which was a drill we did out at sea for different situations, chemical, biological, boarding ship, things like this. That particular day it happened to be chemical was, and so we’re pretending like we were washing down the ship with, uh saltwater and it was very very hot that day. I almost passed out in my impregnated suit, which is supposed to protect you from chemicals, uh, who knows. Anyway uh, I secured for my General Quarters stations. I knew the sound powered phones were working on the starboard gun mount. I got an I-seaman up there, David Scolack to get the sound part phones working which is uh internal communications of the ship. Uh, I left that area, uh, I don’t know, about 45 seconds before the attack started.
At that moment when the attack started, the USS Liberty had been surveilled many many times by the Israeli Air Force uh identifying our ship. They waved at us and we waved at them. But, anyway the attacks started around 2:00 PM. The two men I had just left in the forward gun mount were blown to bits, blown completely to bits. Every antenna on that ship, ship was hit within about 3 or 4 seconds they were all down. We had no, no communication with the outside world. We had no uh ways to defend ourselves. They took out our four .50 caliber machine guns with their attacking jet aircraft, Mystere and Mirage jets that attacked our ship for approximately 25 to 30 minutes, killing and wounding as many people as they could on deck.
We thought the attack might be over when the airplanes left. But little did we know, And we didn’t know who was attacking us Colin. We had no idea who was attacking us. We thought we had to be the Arabs, because Israel was our best buddies in the whole wide world. Why would they want to attack us? In fact, we were happy to see them fly over us. We’d wave and, oh they’d wave and drop their wings and very friendly, very friendly attitude. We didn’t know who was attacking as I said before. And we didn’t understand who was attacking us until the torpedo boats got there. Three torpedo boats, flying the star of David. We thought they were coming there to help us.
No, they were coming there to kill the rest of us and sink our ship. They fired five torpedoes at us. Four missed by the grace of God. One did hit a little bit forward midships. 25 American sailors, Marines, National Security Agency, CIA Personnel were blown to bits in the blink of an eye. The torpedo picked our ship up completely up out of the water. And it came back down slamming and slamming and slamming and went to the right, to the starboard side, and I thought, “Oh oh, here we go, it’s going to roll over.” And it just stopped. Just stopped.
We put over what life rafts we did have. We only had three life rafts left. For a crew of 294 souls we only had three left. We were gonna, Because they shot ’em all up. They shot our life rafts up or they burned them up with napalm. That’s how ruthless it was. When we put the life rafts over, they shot two out of the water and took one aboard their boat as a trophy of their kill. The Israelis did. They circled the ship and circled the ship, machine gunning fire fighters, stretcher bearers, anything that moved to destroy our ship. They did it.
We thought the attack was over again. No, the attack was not over. They sent troop carrying helicopters to finish us off. Israeli Marines ready to board our ship. And all of a sudden they just left, they just left. I assume that the jig was up, that they had been caught and… And they did get caught! They couldn’t sink us like they planned with the blessings of our government, LBJ. From his government on to the Biden government, and all congresses in between have never lifted a finger to get an investigation we’ve been hollering for for 56 years because they’re afraid offending their ally Israel.
So that’s pretty much the attack, but uh, they did, There was 850 rocket (aside: I keep putting it un-bold type, but it comes back bold. You want justice? I can but imagine how god and the celestial sons are about it.) holes and cannon holes in the ship. Over 5,000 armor piercing bullets in this ship. Napalm burning us up. Approximately a 40 X 40 foot hole in the starboard side. Listing badly. We never received any help from our government. Little did we know that aircraft were sent from the USS Saratoga by Captain Joe Tully and USS America captain, uh Captain Engin.
They did send aircraft to come help us but they were recalled. If they would have allowed the aircraft to get to our site, they would have driven off the torpedo boats and 25 Americans (Aside: Their deaths were not in vain. Who do you think kept the ship from sinking?) lives would have been spared, young men, 18, 20, 21, 25 year old young men blown to bits instantly. (Aside: I underlined “instantly” but they took it off when I transferred it over here. Maybe I should take the aside off too.) Our government left us out there for 17 hours. They were hoping we’d sink that night.
It was nothing but chaos that night, bodies everywhere bleeding, being patched up by Doc Kiefer. I helped with one operation on the, in the sick bay. 7:02.
The prophets of god are sent to Earth for the benefit of humanity and Earth. And Israel, you murder the prophets of god! Israel, are you trying to murder god? And then you falsify the prophet’s teachings, thus calling the prophets liars and calling god a liar. Israel, are you trying to pick a fight with god?
Israel, god is a thousand times greater than we and greater than all people on this earth. A thousand times greater! is it David and Goliath? But you can’t be David. David was on god’s side, and you Israel are calling god a liar and trying to murder(?) god. God was/is on David’s side, even if you hijack his star for your flag. You murder the prophets and call god* a liar.
*small g due to indoctrination
I guess you could say its serious. What? You don’t want to laugh about it?
Pre-2023 Research.
The Jews owned the slave ships. 1000 A.D. slave ships were filling up with slaves from the Caribbean Islands. Some slave ships “probably reached America mainlands but never made it out alive.” Good work.
In the USA only 1% of the whites had slaves, but 40% of the Jews owned slaves. What percentage of the Jews in America were white? Probably the vast majority of them. The non-Jew whites in America could have been less than one fortieth of one percent.
It could have been as low as .025% of whites owning slaves in USA! Yet the media says, “The whites owned the slaves.” No mention of the Jews owning the vast majority of the slaves. The Jews ran the media and the white man for the slavery. Whose to blame for the slavery? The Jews owned the slave ships. The Jews owned the slaves.
The Jews always go for the highest positions they can, in government and everywhere else they feel is important.They represent 2 or 3% of populations, yet traditionally they run 79% of governments, or more. And they own the medias and Jews never take responsibility when they do the evil deeds. In their media, they are never to blame. They always find a scapegoat to pin it on. Their go-to for shifting attention away is always: “Are you antisemitic?” (Ask me if I’m anticriminal. Do all Jews have semitic blood in them? Maybe so. Maybe so.) In their media stories the Jews are squeaky clean. Nothing could be farther from the truth. (They are as far from the truth as they can get. Always. All ways.)
They corrupt everything they can. It’s always been that way. It was Berentein Bears (pronounced Berensteen.) Many people know that. Masses of people having the same memory glitch? That is not plausible. Some say, “It’s the Berenstain Bears. It’s always been that way.” Berenstein to Berenstain. They stain everything they can. It’s always been that way.……..Berenstain…… Creation did that!
Check for example, the video with title: “The Mandela Effect: What in the HELL Is a “BerenSTAIN” Bear??” (note: not the same as the picture here.)
The Devil Has Horns
Moses has horns! On his head, Moses has horns now. The artists would have been burnt at the stake if they put horns on Moses’ head! The devil has horns on his head, not a deity. Creation put horns on Moses’ head, Creation, the immeasurable secret.
Moses led multitudes, many many multitudes of people into the wilderness. And 40 years later it was desert. The devil has horns on his head. Ref. First 3 blog posts.
Solution. Incest gene could be defined as “Offspring born from having sex with: immediate family, cousins or 2nd cousins.” For safety of the planet and the human race, many countries could apply the law, “Anybody with the incest gene be permanently sterilized.”
That would not go well with countries of the Middle East, including Israel, parts of Africa, and other parts of the world. They will fight to the death for their right to surviveanddestroy the planet.
Myriad sane Families Are Against Incest
We need good leaders and personal responsibility of the citizenry applying the correct laws.
Perfection of the spirit
21:22 “Don’t worry about the future, when the false teaching is spread that people have to perfect themselves in spirit once more because they have fallen away from Creation.
21:23 “Beware of this false teaching because it is wrong to the last dot on the ‘i’.
21:24 “Truly, truly, I say to you: Humanity was never perfect is spirit and so has never fallen away from Creation.
21:25 “Each person’s spirit is created individually for the task of perfecting itself and to reach wisdom.
Lion, King of the Jungle
The white race did not turn Africa and the Middle East into a sand desert! Indeed, 13,000 years ago, the white race turned it from a sand desert back into the land of milk and honey, back to the land of plenty. And it stayed that way for about 10,000 years or so. Then about 3,000 years ago they turned it into a desert again!
Lion, king of the jungle (tropical)
Lion, king of the forest. (forests)
There is no lion, king of the desert. That lion is extinct.
One word can be so ambiguous (at least in English.) Bloodline (heritage), part of the religion, characteristics and mannerisms. One person could have characteristics and mannerisms but not the other two and say, “No, I’m not part of their group, definitely not.” (or the opposite.) Meanwhile, other people will see them and say, “Oh yeah, that person is definitely part of their group.”
Others with the bloodline may say, “Well, if don’t have the bloodline they’re not part of our group, unless they marry a woman with our bloodline.”
Still others may say, “They have to be part of the religion to be called ‘that name.'”
The word can be very confusing. It’s like Zionists put it in place.
Towing the Zionist’s “party line” can be detrimental to a person’s health. But is that the cohesive factor for all those with “that name?”
No, it’s their favorite holiday, themselves creating the havoc and then pinning it on the scapegoat.
From the start Jews have turned the land into desert, and then they find a scapegoat to blame it on. That’s their Yom Kippur, their biggest holiday. Look under the definition of scapegoat, it’s right there, 1st definition. Reference: First 3 blogs of this website.
The Faith of Peter
18:17 Jmmanuel came into the area of Caesarea Philippi and asked his disciples, “Who do the people say that I am?”
18:18 They said, “Some say that you are John the Baptist, others that you are Elijah and others again that you are Jeremiah or one of the old prophets.”
18:19 And he said to them, “But who do you say that I am?”
18:20 Simon Peter answered, “You are the prophesied Messiah and a son of the living god who is the spiritual ruler of three human races.”
18:21 Jmmanuel became angry and answered him, “Oh you unfortunate one, my teaching has not revealed that to you, because I instructed you in the truth.
18:22 “And I also tell you: You certainly are a faithful disciple, but your understanding must be compared to that of a child.
18:23 “You are Peter, and I cannot build my teachings on your rock. You will open the portals of ignorance, so that people will be overcome by your false interpretation of my teaching and will follow it and live according to falsified teachings.
18:24 “I cannot give you the key of the spiritual kingdom, otherwise you would open false locks and wrong portals with it.
18:25 “I am not the son of the spiritual ruler of three human races and therefore not the son of god, and so only Creation governs the spirit, but never a human being; therefore remove yourself from this erroneous teaching and learn the truth.
18:26 “My mother is Mary who conceived me through a guardian angel, a descendant of our ancestors from out of space, and my earthly father is Joseph who only acts as a father substitute.”
18:27 He threatened his disciples never to tell or wrongly assume such things and not to spread the false teaching of Peter.
12:20 “This earth can nourish and support five hundred million people of all the human races. But if these laws are not followed, in two thousand years ten times five hundred million people will exist, and the earth will not be able to support them any more.
12:21 “Famines, catastrophes, world wars and epidemics will control the earth and the human races will commit cuicide, with only a few surviving.
12:22 “Truly, I say to you: There will be wailing and chattering of teeth when so much human blood is shed upon the sands of the earth that new life forms will arise from it, which will bring the final horror to mankind.
12:23 “But on this day you have been allowed to receive all good things, and the laws have been given to you by which you should live.
Prior to 2023, this graph was right on 5 billion people year 2000.
25:33 “Since the human races will at that time comprise far more than ten times five hundred million people, great parts of them will be eradicated and killed.
25:34 “This is what the law ordains, because people have violated it and will violate it again into the distant future.
This terminology might be better: B.C. as Before Cross (before the cross incident) and A.D. as After Cross or A.C. (Some say he died on the cross. Some say he didn’t. It is understood that with A.D. the D means death on the cross whether he actually died then or not.) With this perspective, Jmmanuel taught the masses from when he was 27 yrs old to 29 yrs old, so he taught for 2 years B.C. After A.D. (After the Cross) he wasn’t around the area anymore in his human body.
Congress has proved, democracy does not work. Democracy is a man-made law and man-made laws always lead to pain, misery, suffering, sorrows, etc, things like that, evils (“misunderstanding and misuse”).
Man-made laws are not ordained on high. Let me explain:
T-shirt idea
Alfred E. Newman is my president
Yes, but who is your emperor?
23:33 Jmmanuel asked in return, “Whose law are you thinking about? Are you thinking about the law of the emperor, the law of god or the law of Creation?”
Conflict can temper the steel, but once tempered it’ doesn’t need anymore, it can do what it’s made for.
Julius Caesar knew conflict, but given time he could jhave shown what an emperor can do. Like the prophets he was murdered largely from envy and hatred.
He would have done well to see how the successful emperorships of the orient were so good at it.
Around the turn of last century 1900, the Tzar of Russia (The Tzar also of surrounding countries, The Russian Empire) gave 80% of the farmland to the peasants turning them from hopeless serfs to farmers owning their own land. If the Tzar meant to inspire his people, he did a good job of it (at that time.) They were elevated. It reflected in all the workers, Russia, Ukraine, and all those countries. They were all inspired to produce. They were naturally good workers and prosperity was everywhere. Russia became the largest producer in the world of commodities including copper, wheat, corn, oats, lumber, other metals, and other commodities, all kinds of resources. But the other surrounding countries were producing as well for their sizes. Ukraine had a millions of hard working farmers.
This did not sit well with the Zionists who very much were intent on putting an end to this prosperity of these “run amuck countries” by planning wars and other mayhem, and the Zionists were quite successful.
Envy and hatred led the way: “Those upstart countries! Who do they think they are? We didn’t say they could have prosperity. We don’t have any control of it! How dare they!” Russia, Ukraine and all those prosperous countries had to be quashed, according to the Zionists.
Jacob Shiff, a Zionist (and $20 million a lot of money back in 1917) fronted as the founder of the invasion of communism into Russia, Ukraine and all those countries. And that was the start of the most evil communism the world has ever seen, that, and Mao murdering his own people, mostly little girls. (More on that, later.)
1914 WWI
Prior to WWI, Austria-Hungary was a dual monarchy, a dual kingship. When Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia, the Russian Empire amassed troops along Austria-Hungary to help protect Serbia.
The German Empire was a very close friend with the German-speaking Austrian people, so Germany warned Russia to “Back off!” When Russia did not back off, WWI started.
I’m sure the Czar of Russia saw his blunder after the fact. Germany could easily conclude, “This is a power grab by Russia to take more land, namely Austria-Hungary. This was a big threat to Germany. And Germany and Austria were very close friends, spoke the same language.
This would have been better: “Serbia, I understand we have a pact, an alliance with you, but my duty as emperor of the Russian empire is guardian and protector of the people. I’ll do what I can to support you Serbia, but I cannot amass troops along the Austria-Hungary border for the sake of Serbia as that would likely lead to world war, and that is not in the best interests of the Russian people. Serbia, I wish you the best. I know that Austria-Hungary is a dual kingship, but at least half of it is under the emperorship of Germany. Good luck.”
An empire can have many kingdoms within it; the emperor rules the entire empire while kings (or queens) rule smaller kingdoms within the empire. While the king (like the regional manager) has total control over his territory, the emperor (like the CEO) is the one who makes the final decision for the entire region.
This discourse did not occur. Russian troops were sent and subsequently threatened Austria-Hungary which threatened Germany. WWI began and quickly the Czar fell out of favor with the Russian people.
When the Czar of Russia became more in disfavor with the people of Russia as WWI drudged on, The Bolsheviks/Mensheviks found easy pickings to take over the Russian Empire.
1917 Communism
There are different types of communism. Some can be less harsh than others, but the first one in 1917, the one warned about, that was the most evil of all.
The Jews ran the Soviet Union. Vladimir Putin and others have commented that 85% of the Soviet Union was run by Jews. Perhaps more accurately, the Zionists ran the Soviet Union.
Vladimir Lenin was a Jew, and a Zionist stooge. Vladimir Lenin spoke Yiddish and surrounded himself by Jews. Lenin’s four lieutenants were Jews, and Zionist stooges: Trotsky, Kominov, Ziminov, and Swerdlow.
To be continued
The Danzig Corridor
To be continued
Stalin was a Jew, changed his name from Dzhugashvili (Jewgesveely which means “son of Jewess”) to naming himself Stalin which means “steel.” Stalin surrounded himself with Jews, all around him. Stalin’s advisors were Jews. Stalin married 3 Jewish women. And Stalin’s advisors were telling him, “Oh, they love you Joseph, they love you!” All his people love him – that’s what they were telling him. And Joseph was quite happy hearing it, he was quite happy with that. Ever see that profile picture of Stalin proudly looking into the distance?
In the mornin’ you go gunnin’ for the man who stole your water And you fire ’til he is done in but they catch you at the border And the mourners are all sangin’ as they drag you by your feet But the hangman isn’t hangin’ and they put you on the street*
You go back, Jack, do it again, wheel turnin’ ’round and ’round You go back, Jack, do it again
Another valid meaning to these lyrics is, a guy gets drafted and goes to Nam. While he’s fighting for his life, his girl back home gets knocked- up by some draft dodger who flees across the border to Canada. The woman has the baby. (Her water breaks.) “the man who stole your water”
Everything Must Go – Song by Steely Dan
It’s high time for a walk on the real side Let’s admit the bastards beat us I move to dissolve the corporation In a pool of margaritas So let’s switch off all the lights Light up all the Luckies Crankin’ up the afterglow ‘Cause we’re goin’ out of business Everything must go
Talk about your major pain and suffering Now our self-esteem is shattered Show the world a mighty hidey-ho face As we go sliding down the ladder It was sweet up at the top ‘Til that ill wind started blowing Now it’s cozy down below ‘Cause we’re goin’ out of business Everything must go
We gave it our best shot But keep in mind we got a lot The sky, the moon, good food and the weather First-run movies—does anybody get lucky twice? Wouldn’t it be nice…
Tell me can you dig it Miss Fugazy Now it’s gone from late to later Frankly I could use a little face time In the service elevator And if Dave from Acquisitions Wants to get in on the action With his Handicam in tow Well we’re goin’ out of business Everything must go
Can it be the sorry sun is rising Guess it’s time for us to book it(to book it) Talk about the famous road not taken In the end we never took it And if somewhere on the way We got a few good licks in No one’s ever gonna know ‘Cause we’re goin’ out of business Everything must go
*Story has it, Mary wanted to throw “baby Jesus” into the river.
*Can’t Buy A Thrill – Great album to discover how all people felt (those abroad and those at home) during Vietnam.
Other bands too. Pickin’ on Steely Dan? Go ahead, find others.
Refrain from quoting scriptures. Put it in your own words.
1960 – Happened, wasn’t supposed to.
1960 – Supposed to happen, didn’t.
1960 – Happened, wasn’t supposed to
Police Cruiser
The Right To Travel
By 1915 in every state of The Union a Motor Vehicle Code was in place. From the beginning, each and every state’s Motor Vehicle Code had multiple references to both “automobile” and “motor vehicle”. There is a reason for that. Automobile is in the same category as horsedrawn carriage, and wagon.
A “motor vehicle” is a commercial vehicle. Companies don’t have rights. This issue was settled back in 1915 in every state. Motor Vehicle Code applies to commercial vehicles. For companies, it is a privilege to drive on the roads. Motor Vehicle Code does not apply to an individual’s right to travel. Right to travel is a Constitutional Right afforded to drivers of automobiles. Automobiles are not subject to Motor Vehicle Code.
If a traffic ticket is issued to a driver of an automobile, but based on Motor Vehicle Code, that is fraud. Fraud is a felony. Forcing payment of that ticket at gunpoint is extortion, another felony. They have been doing it in a pattern now for quite a while. “In a pattern,” that’s racketeering, another felony. Each ticket given to the driver of an automobile but based on Motor Vehicle Code represents 3 felonies committed. 10 years statute of limitations on each of those felonies.
If they follow through and arrest the person, that is kidnapping, you guessed it, another felony. If they impound the automobile, how is that not grand theft auto, another felony? The old days, horse thieves got hanged….. Mail fraud is another felony.
Not just police officers issuing the tickets, the courts are probably more responsible for these tickets being issued. Kind of the ring leaders of the racket.
How this came about
20’s 30’s 40’s and 50’s old movies. The old movies were/are fiction. They portrayed fictional police officers asking things like, “Let me see your driver’s license,” to automobile drivers. This started in the 1920’s, into the 1930’s, 40’s and 50’s. In 1960 all states decided, “Well, let’s just give them all tickets, commercial or not.” That’s what happened.
Midnight Cruiser – song by Steely Dan 1972
Felonious my old friend Step on in and let me shake your hand So glad that you’re here again For one more time Let your madness run with mine Streets still unseen we’ll find somehow No time is better than now
Tell me where are you driving Midnight cruiser Where is your bounty Of fortune and fame I am another Gentlemen loser Drive me to Harlem Or somewhere the same
The world that we used to know People tell me it don’t turn no more The places we used to go Familiar faces that ain’t smilin’ like before The time of our time has come and gone I fear we been waiting too long
Tell me where are you driving Midnight cruiser Where is your bounty Of fortune and fame I am another Gentlemen loser Drive me to Harlem Or somewhere the same
Just a few examples of law
“The right to travel interstate by auto vehicle upon the public highways may be a privilege or immunity of citizens of the United States. Compare Crandall v. Nevada, 6 Wall. 35. A citizen may have, under the Fourteenth Amendment, the right to travel and transport his property upon them by auto vehicle. But he has no right to make the highways his place of business by using them as a common carrier for hire. Such use is a privilege which may be granted or withheld by the state in its discretion, without violating either the due process clause or the equal protection clause. Packard v. Banton, 264 U.S. 140, 144[.]”
See Buck v. Kuykendall, 267 U.S. 307, 314 (1925).
“It will be observed that . . . a highway, within the contemplation of the act, is, “Every way or place of whatever nature open as a matter of right to the use of the public for the purposes of vehicular travel.” There can be no question but that this definition is broad enough to include streets in incorporated cities, because they are open as a matter of right to the use of the public for the purposes of vehicular travel.”
See Neeley v. Bock, 184 Wash. 135, 140, 50 P.2d 524 (1935).
These things are “public highways”:
Revised Code of Washington (“RCW”) 46.04.020 Alley. “Alley” means a public highway not designed for general travel and used primarily as a means of access to the rear of residences and business establishments.
RCW 46.04.030 Arterial highway. “Arterial highway” means every public highway, or portion thereof, designated as such by proper authority.
RCW 46.04.110 Center of intersection. “Center of intersection” means the point of intersection of the center lines of the roadway of intersecting public highways.
RCW 46.04.120 City street. “City street” means every public highway, or part thereof located within the limits of cities and towns, except alleys.
RCW 46.04.150 County road. “County road” means every public highway or part thereof, outside the limits of cities and towns and which has not been designated as a state highway.
“Public highways” are open as a matter of right:
RCW 46.09.020 Definitions. As used in this chapter the following words and phrases have the designated meanings unless a different meaning is expressly provided or the context otherwise clearly indicates: “Highway,” for the purpose of this chapter only, means the entire width between the boundary lines of every way publicly maintained by the state department of transportation or any county or city when any part thereof is generally open to the use of the public for purposes of vehicular travel as a matter of right.
RCW 46.10.010 Definitions. As used in this chapter the words and phrases in this section shall have the designated meanings unless a different meaning is expressly provided or the context otherwise clearly indicated.- (6) “Public roadway” shall mean the entire width of the right of way of any road or street designed and ordinarily used for travel or parking of motor vehicles, which is controlled by a public authority other than the Washington state department of transportation, and which is open as a matter of right to the general public for ordinary vehicular traffic.
Some other states:
Arizona – § 42 5062(A): 5. “Public highway” means any way or place in this state that is constructed or maintained with public monies and that is open to use by the public as a matter of right for the purpose of vehicular travel, including a highway under construction.
Colorado – § 33-14-101. Definitions. As used in this article, unless the context otherwise requires: (12) “Street”, “road”, “freeway”, or “highway” means the entire right-of-way between boundary lines of any of such public ways when any part thereof is open to the use of the public as a matter of right for the purpose of motor vehicle travel.
Colorado – § 155-3. Definitions. [Amended 7-16-96, Ord. 96-12] As used in this Article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated: “PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY” All streets, roadways, sidewalks, alleys and all other areas reserved for present or future use by the public as a matter of right for the purpose of vehicular or pedestrian travel, utility installation and for snow storage by the Town of Frisco. [Amended 5-2-1989 by Ord. No. 89-16]
Colorado – § 17-5-30. Definitions. Unless specifically stated otherwise, the following words have the following definitions in this Article: Street, road, or highway means the entire width between the boundary lines of every way publicly maintained when any part thereon is open to the use of the public for purposes of vehicular travel, or the entire width of every way declared to be to be a public street, road, or highway by any law of the State of Colorado, including, but not limited to, the area intended for pedestrian travel, such as a sidewalk.
Delaware – Title 21, Part I, Ch.1 General Provisions, § 101. Words and phrases. For the purposes of this title, unless the context otherwise clearly indicates: (22) “Highway” means the entire width between boundary lines of every way or place of whatever nature open to the use of the public as a matter of right for purposes of vehicular travel, but does not include a road or driveway upon grounds owned by private persons, colleges, universities or other institutions.
Florida § 633.021 Definitions.–As used in this chapter: (12) “Highway” means every way or place of whatever nature within the state open to the use of the public, as a matter of right, for purposes of vehicular traffic and includes public streets, alleys, roadways, or driveways upon grounds of colleges, universities, and institutions and other ways open to travel by the public, notwithstanding that the same have been temporarily closed for the purpose of construction, reconstruction, maintenance, or repair. The term does not include a roadway or driveway upon grounds owned by a private person.
Iowa § 321G.1 Definitions. As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires: 20. “Street” or “highway” means the entire width between property lines of every way or place of whatever nature when any part thereof is open to the use of the public, as a matter of right, for purposes of vehicular travel, except in public areas in which the boundary shall be thirty-three feet each side of the center line of the roadway. [C71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, § 321G.1; 81 Acts, ch 113, § 2]
Idaho – § 49.301(13) Street or Highway — Street or Highway means the entire width between property lines of every way or place of whatever nature when any part thereof is open to the use of the public, as a matter of right for purposes of vehicular traffic.
Idaho – § 63-2401. Definitions. In this chapter: (11) “Highways” means every place of whatever nature open to the use of the public as a matter of right for the purpose of vehicular travel which is maintained by the state of Idaho or an agency or taxing subdivision or unit thereof or the federal government or an agency or instrumentality thereof. Provided, however, if the cost of maintaining a roadway is primarily borne by a special fuels user who operates motor vehicles on that roadway pursuant to a written contract during any period of time that a special fuels tax liability accrues to the user, such a roadway shall not be considered a “highway” for any purpose related to calculating that user’s special fuels’ tax liability or refund.
Minnesota § 169.01 Definitions. Subd. 29. Street or highway. “Street or highway” means the entire width between boundary lines of any way or place when any part thereof is open to the use of the public, as a matter of right, for the purposes of vehicular traffic.
Rock and a hard place, huh?
1960 – Supposed to happen, didn’t
Miracle of Fatima Research 2011 to 2018
In 1917 Communism was just starting and was posing a big threat to the planet. Also in 1917, three shepherd children were visited by “Our Lady of Fatima”,”the virgin Mary.” The first two messages from Our Lady of Fatima were to be released immediately, and they were released immediately, they were specifically addressing the threat of communism, and that it must be stopped. It was imperative that these two messages extolling the threat of communism be unloosed to the whole world straightaway, which they were.
The 3rd message from Our Lady of Fatima was to be emancipated to the whole world by no later than 1960. That never happened, and you’ll see why.
Lucia was the oldest child of the 3 children. The next oldest was 3 years younger than Lucia, at least, as I recall. Lucia was 12 years old I believe and the next oldest was 9 or 7. 3 or 5 years difference between Lucia and the next oldest child.
My theory is that Lucia was already doing a good job of “handling” the younger children with Catholic doctrine, so she was naturally put off by the 3rd message from Our Lady of Fatima, but which the 2 younger children found fascinating.
It was such big news, how could they not share it? And our Lady of Fatima wants us to share it, so we should share it now. “But Our Lady says, ‘THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IS TO BE NO MORE.’ and we have to tell everybody. Why should we wait till 1960? It’s such big news! Wow!”
The two youngest children might have been killed immediately, or maybe it was 3 weeks, but either way, the Catholic church said it was influenza. If the 2 youngest were killed immediately, then they kept it quiet for 2 or 3 weeks and announced that the 2 younger children contracted influenza and died. That was the story the Catholic Church said, that they died of influenza. But it was so soon after.
There was great controversy about those 2 younger children dying so soon after. Huge controversy of how quickly they died. It was a big issue. Something was fishy and a lot of people knew it.
Meanwhile Lucia was “handled” by the most persuasive of the Catholic Church, and they did a good job of it, and she became a nun. Lucia became sister Lucia, and she digested such prodigious attention. (You can tell I’m using a thesaurus.) Oh yeah, she ate it up.
A caller to a radio talk show was excited to tell people that someone he knew personally had a conversation with sister Lucia at the airport and during the rush he asked her, “Sister Lucia, is the 3rd message that the Catholic Church is to be no more?” And sister Lucia quickly turned around, smiling and shaking her head to the affirmative, her movements excitedly saying, “Yes, yes, that is the message!” She felt so good she was able to tell somebody. She wasn’t telling the whole world, but she was telling somebody and that felt good. And it was such a wonderfully intriguing situation she was involved in. How exciting!
So the 3rd message of Our Lady of Fatima which was supposed to be revealed to the whole world by no later than 1960 was,
And of course, that was never announced to the whole world as Our Lady of Fatima said it be. Instead they created Vatican 2.0.
Note: So much of the internet has changed from the research I’ve done since 2010. A lot of things I just can’t find or things have been changed., especially with youtube. The above “The Miracle of Fatima” research was what I was finding at that time. Does it make logical sense?.
I miss a payment on domain registration, the site goes down, content is gone forever. I buy the domain back, then the research information is different, altered history.
I once said to myself, “I need her about as much as I need a hole in my head.” The next day or two I got a quarter with a hole in its head.
An Indian chief once said of George Washington, “A bullet will not kill this man.” The quarter has a hole in its head. Sorry George. Man-made laws, including democracy, lead to misery, pain, murder, mayhem, suffering, sorrow, and such…..
Five nights without a bite No place to lay his head
And if nobody takes him in He’ll soon be dead
and another one, or one-and-the-same,
Then you love a little wild one and she brings you only sorrow All the time you know she’s smilin’ you’ll be on your knees tomorrow, yeah
Well, I did not think the girl Could be so cruel And I’m never going back To my old school
Cruel, that’s another result. As much as any and all people may want to make it work, democracy is a man-made law, that can only lead to misery, pain, suffering, murder, death, mayhem, on and on and on.
23:37 “The highest command of the laws of the emperor is: You shall be obedient to the emperor, follow his laws and give to him the tithe, because he is the ruler over the people and their guardian and protector.
One empire comes to mind that has maintained good form to this day, serving its people well in prosperity. It has weathered many a heavy storm and faired well. That empire continues to this day, though it may be slightly put off by my directing attention it’s way, as good empires shy away from the limelight and are simply happy and content with their empire and friends. (Chapters 5 and 6)
Japan Never Surrendered
To the Japanese people surrender was an egregious dishonor. They despised the allies for surrendering when captured. To the Japanese, they would rather die than surrender and such a dishonor. Look at the kamikazes. (I’m not advocating self-destruction or suicide.) Dishonor was disgraceful. A good empire includes everybody and involves everybody.
Who’s going to die for their country rather than surrender when their country is a bunch of crooked politicians who even the bodyguards despise?
But if you look at western media, which is the biggest propaganda lies in the world, Zionist media, they outright lie again, “Japan Surrenders.”
Japan would NOT sign a surrender. They signed a document, but it was not a document of surrender.
The emperor of Japan referred to the occupying allies as “our guests.”
The documentation proving JAPAN NEVER SURRENDERED(!) was incinerated in the Presidio incinerator at the Presidio military base in San Francisco in the 1980’s. All the valuable historical military documents going back to the Spanish American War were incinerated. All of them?
After WWII ended, occupation of how many countries by the allied forces? Was it 50? WWII ended with the military occupation of 50* countries by the stooges of Zion, the allied forces. WWII ends and the allies impose martial law in 50 countries. Isn’t democracy wonderful?… For the Zionists!
*Maybe I’m a little over the mark with 50, but let’s just pull a few from the Soviet Union which Roosevelt (FDR) funded with billions of dollars to the communist regime, Uncle Joe, Joseph Stalin who murdered/starved to death between 3 and 10 million* white people in Ukraine alone of the Soviet Union before WWII even started,) , Roosevelt under the wonderfulness of democracy, during WWII, gave billions of dollars to Joseph Stalin to fight against the emperor (empire) of Germany and against the empire of Japan.
I request of Japan and anyone else: Don’t eat the dolphins and whales. They are self-aware beings. And no cannibalism no matter how evil the enemy may be.
*Archival history, Germany kept meticulous records. It seems to me, others have good accurate records on Ukraine and other countries as well.
Ref. Real videos of archival historian, David Irving lectures (if you can find them.) Ref. David Irving books.
I found one, David Irving – History is Politics and ‘Free Speech Comes With a Price’ (Hurry before they take it down.)
I know this to be true: Truth is happiness, Wisdom is happiness; When people put lies as the only truth, that’s an unhappy country or peoples or what have you.
Personal responsibility is going to save the day. God helps those who help themselves.
Channel clearing. Channel dynamics.
Individual point(s) various channels is another technique.
T-shirt idea
The cure is inside you.
Learn self-acupuncture and see how wonderful Creation really is
The following is a simple technique to try, see how it does: One channel, both hand and foot. Example: Tai Yang channel (or Tai Yin channel.)
God is a god.
God is a god. God’s name means king of wisdom in his language. More at “Terminology is Important.”
There are no atheists in foxholes.
I call on my spirit within me and God above me.
The Real Third Secret of Fatima
Apostasy, yes. The announcement was supposed to be made by 1960. (Why has the information changed on so much of whats on the internet?)
Story Goes,
Peter drew his sword and attacked one of the henchmen. Does this make logical sense?
28:27 And behold, one of the henchmen pondered, had a quick change of mind and joined Jmmanuel, because he felt remorse.
28:28 He stretched out his hand, pulled out his sword, and hit a servant of a chief priest, cutting off his ear.
28:29 Then Jmmanuel said to the man, “Put your sword back into its sheath, because those who take a sword without need will perish by the sword.
28:30 “Or do you think that I could not have fled before your group arrived?
28:31 “But how could I fulfill my destiny if I had done so?”
28:32 And the man turned away crying, fled and was never seen again.
28:67 Peter had followed Jmmanuel and the group, and hid among the people who looked through the doors and windows. Thus he saw what was done to Jmmanuel.
28:68 Then a maid came up to him and said, “Aren’t you one of the disciples of this Jmmanuel from Galilee?”
Chapter 29
The Denial of Peter
29:1 When Peter was asked by the maid, he denied it and said, “What kind of nonsense do you accuse me of? I don’t know what you are saying.”
29:2 But because of the maid’s question, he was fearful and wanted to escape from there, because he was afraid for his life.
29:3 When he went out the door, another woman saw him and said to the people, “This man, too, was together with the blasphemer from Nazareth.”
29:4 But Peter lied a second time, raised his hand to swear and said, “Truly, I don’t know this confused person!”
29:5 And when Peter left the house, those who had been standing there came up to him, saying, “Aren’t you one of those who serve this Jmmanuel? You are giving yourself away through your speech.”
29:6 Peter started to revile Jmmanuel, cursed himself and swore, “I don’t know this crazy person nor his blasphemous teachings of god!”
29:7 Soon thereafter a rooster crowed three times and Peter thought of the words of Jmmanuel, and he hurriedly ran away and cried bitterly.
27:45-46 “Truly, I say to you: Just as you do not understand my words now and are angry with me because of them, so will you be angry with me tonight, because your minds still have not been enlightened.
27:47 “But when I apparently rise from the dead, from my near-death out of the tomb, I will walk in front of you to Galilee, so that you may recognize the truth of my words.
27:48 “I have taught you knowledge and truth, but you doubt and don’t trust me.
27:49 “Oh you who are fainthearted and of little trust, how startled and confused you will be, when I meet you again after having appeared to be dead.”
27:50 But Peter answered him, “Even if they all were angry with you, I would never be angry.”
27:51 However, Jmmanuel replied, “Truly, I say to you: You are one of the worst, because tonight before the rooster crows you will deny me three times.”
27:52 But Peter contradicted him, saying, “This will never come about, and even if I had to die with you, I would never deny you.”
27:53 All of his disciples agreed and did not trust the words of Jmmanuel.
Knowledge and wisdom of the parents. When is childhood over? 17?
A father said to his son altogether dejectedly, “No matter how good you are at something there’s always somebody better.” Good, I want someone wise than me.
You’re not supposed to say the word cure, but what were they talking about starting somewhere between 200 B.C. and 2700 B.C.?
Back pain, headache, migraine, Every type of pain and psychogenic tense, manic psychosis and irritability, depression, anger, explosive anger, mania, abdominal distention, edema, depressive psychosis and madness, and more…..
Anger and depression are related. If there is depression, there is often anger too, though pushed aside for the moment. One of the best points for anger and depression is Liver 3. Acupressure works well. Needles are best. I use the 1/2″ needle for my size. Where do you needle? In the depression.
Ling Shu early on: the four gates, Kidney 1, Yuan Source Points
The following is from Ling Shu or The Spiritual Pivot, translated by Doctor Wu.
Doctor Wu – Steely Dan 1975
All night long We would sing that stupid song And every word we sang, I knew was true
Katy tried, I was halfway crucified I was on the other side of no tomorrow You walked in, and my life began again Just when I’d spent the last piaster I could borrow
Are you with me, Doctor Wu? Are you really just a shadow Of the man that I once knew? Are you crazy? Are you high Or just an ordinary guy? Have you done all you can do? Are you with me, Doctor?
Don’t seem right I’ve been strung out here all night I’ve been waiting for the taste You said you’d bring to me
Biscayne Bay Where the Cuban gentlemen sleep all day I went searching for the song you used to sing to me
Katy lies You can see it in her eyes But imagine my surprise when I saw you
Are you with me, Doctor Wu? Are you really just a shadow Of the man that I once knew? She is lovely, yes, she’s sly And you’re an ordinary guy Has she finally got to you? Can you hear me, Doctor?
Are you with me, Doctor? Can you hear me, Doctor? Are you with me, Doctor? Can you hear me, Doctor? Are you with me, Doctor? Can you hear me, Doctor? Are you with me, Doctor? Can you hear me, Doctor?
What’s done is done.
References: 1st blog entry, 2nd blog entry, and from there.
A good watch today, Keeps the cell phone away, A good bit anyway.
Do cell phones foster addictions? I think they disrupt the psyche. It is much more soothing to look at a watch. I’m getting a UV screen for the laptop.
1/26/2025. So many combinations of points. One might do a particular combination once or twice or possibly more or maybe not at all.
The history of Europe is wars, white against white.
Even today we see Russia vs Ukraine which is white against white.
The famous French writer Voltaire lived until he was 83 years old. Voltaire passed away in 1778, 2 years after the Independence of the United States of America.
The following quote by Voltaire in 1771 states that Bretons and Germans were blonde haired. Where are all the blondes now? Is white white anymore?
How the US Civil War came about
People rode the railways all through the northern states spreading rumors, lies that “Oh! You know what the south is planning to do to the north don’t you?”
People rode the railways all through the southern states spreading rumors, lies that “Oh! You know what the north is planning to do to the south don’t you?”
Another meaning of railroaded is duping the Chinese and the Irish into slavery to make the railway lines. Another meaning of railroaded is “doing whatever they want, like how they built the railroads and controlled the monopoly.”
When the Confederate flag started flying throughout the southern states, people knew war awaited.
They push you down the tracks like you’re being pushed by a train and you’re stuck on the tracks they put you on – That’s Railroaded.
Israel White?
Was Israel ever all white? No, “never one distinct people.”
10:26 “Truly, I say to you: The nation of Israel was never one distinct people and has at all times lived with murder, robbery and fire. They have acquired this land through ruse and murder in abominable, predatory wars, slaughtering their best friends like wild animals.
Mohammed Was White
The three races created by god and the celestial sons were the three white races to bring intelligence to the planet so people could follow the laws of Creation. Mohammed, the original Mohammed, the white Mohammed looked like this (4:30), or was of this race:
4:28 “Behold, humans begotten by the celestial sons were different in a specific way from other people on Earth.
4:29 “They were not like Earth humans, but like the children of the celestial angels, a different kind.
4:30 “Their bodies were white as snow and red as the rose blossom, their hair at the top of the head white as wool and their eyes beautiful.
Being a prophet of god, Mohammed was a good man. (“This man will create a forceful new sect especially for preserving the truthful teaching”) Mohammed was on Earth 500 years after the cross incident and he resided in Petra, the trading hub of the world. 1,500 years ago Petra was lush and green and beautiful and was where Mohammed lived. Today Petra is sand desert.
10 years ago* Mecca was located about 300 miles south of Petra. (*Mandela Effect happens a lot. Distance might be something else now.)
About 250 years after the real prophet Mohammed, some criminals among the brown-skinned people made up their own prophet Mohamed and put him in place. And their prophet, a fictional character, was a cad, a no good cad. That way they could say with smiles on their faces, “Well our prophet does it so we should do it too!” , thus allowing them in their minds to rape pillage and plunder, invade other countries and so forth. That way the criminals could take over, and they did and its been a cutthroat situation over there ever since. And they turned that land more into desert, including Petra.
The symbol throughout their land became “The Crescent and the Star.” The pastry called the croissant was named after it, (some say mocking it,) and was originally somewhat circular like their symbol, “the crescent and the star.”
Like everything else, this symbol they stole. It wasn’t a crescent at all. Here’s what it was:
An Eclipse
Eclipse and a Corona
A crescent moon never goes past half way as you see in these pictures.
And no star near the rim of the moon
Chapter 30
30:1 The soldiers of the governor agreed with the chief priests and the elders and, dragging Jmmanuel with them into the court house, they brought the entire crowd with them.
30:2 They undressed him and put a purple coat on him,
30:3 made a wreath of thorns, placed it on his head, put a cane into his right hand, bent their knees before him and said,
30:4 “We greet you, great king of wisdom of the Judeans.”
30:5 And they spat on him, took the cane out of his hand, and beat him with it on the head until blood ran over his face.
30:6 When he was miserable and bleeding, Caiaphas, the high priest, asked, “What are you going to do now, great king of wisdom?”
30:7 But Jmmanuel was quiet, saying not a word.
30:8 They hit him again on the head, and he sighed in pain and started to speak: “As it is written in the old prophets, that I am the king of wisdom of the Judeans, it hits the truth, so I am the true prophet of all human races on earth; but in all truth I am not the prophet of those confused Israelites who call themselves sons and daughters of Zion.
30:9 “Truly, I say to you, if you beat and mock me, you shall be beaten and mocked by those whom you, since ancient times, have enslaved and whose land you and your forefathers have plundered.
30:10 “And the time will come in five times 100 years when you will have to atone for this, when the legitimate owners of the land enslaved by you will begin to rise against you and fight against you into the distant future.
30:11 “A new man will rise up in this land as a prophet and will rightfully condemn and persecute you and you will have to pay with your blood.
30:12 “This man will create a forceful new sect especially for preserving the truthful teaching and will have himself recognized as a prophet and in so doing persecute you through all times.
30:13 “Even though, according to your claim, he will be a false prophet and you will revile him, he will nevertheless be a true prophet, and he will have great power, and he will have your race persecuted throughout all time in the future.
30:14 “His name will be Mohammed, and his name will bring horror, misery and death to your kind, which you deserve.
30:15 “Truly, truly, I say to you: His name will be written for you with blood, and his hatred against your kind will be endless.
30:16 “Since he will be a true prophet, but according to you a false one, he will bring you a doctrine that will seem to you confusing and unintelligible, and his rising sect will eventually be finished when his and your followers will lay the foundation for a bloody end, because his teaching will be distorted and falsified and end in an evil and wrong sect.”
30:17 And as he talked that way, the chief priests and members of the council of elders seethed in rage and beat him so hard that he collapsed and whimpered.
30:18 After they had beaten and mocked him, they took off his coat, put only his garments back on and led him away to crucify him.
12:7 “If, however, two women bed down with one another, they should not be punished, because they do not violate life and its laws, since they are not inseminating, but are bearing.”
“life is violated and destroyed” – sand desert
12:8 “When inseminator and inseminator join together, life is violated and destroyed, but if conceiver and conceiver get together there is neither violation nor destruction nor procreation.
12:9 “Truly, I say to you: There are no animals under the sky that are like people and would go against the laws of Creation and nature; but are you not much more than the animals?
12:10 “No animal under the sky can be found whereby male cohabits with male, or female with female, because both male and female animals follow the laws of nature.
26:11 “Commandments and laws are valid only if they are derived from wisdom and logic, 26:12 “but logic requires wisdom and understanding. Proverbs 26:14 “Truly, I say to you: Wisdom has to be learned from the laws of Creation, which people recognize in nature. 26:15 “But if they do not think and search, they will not attain wisdom and remain fools. 26:16 “The wise do not cry over lost things, over the dead and over things of the past. 26:18 “Those who are rich in wisdom and live according to the laws do not allow creatures to suffer even the least hurt, if they are without fault. 26:20 “Because people do not follow wisdom and do not seek knowledge, nor understand the laws, they are filled with imprudence and vice. 26:22 “If people receive daily in due manner just a little wisdom in their consciousness, they grow like the waxing moon during the light half of the month. 26:23 “Wisdom is the greatest asset of humanity and so is the created will, which is lord over love and happiness, but all this is meaningless without the power of the spirit. 26:25 “Those who take care of a cow always receive milk; likewise, those who nurture wisdom and apply it through the power of the spirit bring forth rich fruit. 26:27 “There is no eye equal to wisdom, no darkness equal to ignorance, no power equal to the power of the spirit, and no terror equal to poverty of consciousness. 26:28 “There is no higher happiness than wisdom, no better friend than knowledge, and no other savior than the power of the spirit.
From Chapter 26, Talmud of Jmmanuel, written 2,000 years ago.
26:14 “Truly, I say to you: Wisdom has to be learned from the laws of Creation, which people recognize in nature.
26:15 “But if they do not think and search, they will not attain wisdom and remain fools.
26:16 “The wise do not cry over lost things, over the dead and over things of the past.
26:17 “Fools cry over things that are not worth crying over, thereby increasing their grief, need and misery.
26:18 “Those who are rich in wisdom and live according to the laws do not allow creatures to suffer even the least hurt, if they are without fault.
26:19 “Fools who do not conquer their senses mistake damage for advantage, advantage for damage and great suffering for joy.
26:20 “Because people do not follow wisdom and do not seek knowledge, nor understand the laws, they are filled with imprudence and vice.
26:21 “The dishonest, stupid, defiant, gteedy, unscrupulous, uncouth and angry will be hurt like people who are poor in consciousness.
26:22 “If people receive daily in due manner just a little wisdom in their consciousness, they grow like the waxing moon during the light half of the month.
26:23 “Wisdom is the greatest asset of humanity and so is the created will, which is lord over love and happiness, but all this is meaningless without the power of the spirit.
26:24 “Fools who wait for fate to act without doing anything themselves perish like an unfired pot in water.
26:25 “Those who take care of a cow always receive milk; likewise, those who nurture wisdom and apply it through the power of the spirit bring forth rich fruit.
26:26 “Understand each law of Creation and once you have understood it, adhere to it and live accordingly, because the laws are the greatest wisdom.
26:27 “There is no eye equal to wisdom, no darkness equal to ignorance, no power equal to the power of the spirit, and no terror equal to poverty of consciousness.
26:28 “There is no higher happiness than wisdom, no better friend than knowledge, and no other savior than the power of the spirit.
26:29 “Those who have intelligence may grasp my speech so they will be wise and knowing.
“Welcome to the winning side.” – Handbook for the New Paradigm
I don’t do drugs, legal or illegal, nor do I do vaccines, nor would I subject my children to them no matter how “different” they are.
Don’t get me wrong. If emergency medicine is the best available, do it. Emergency situations.
The Pharisees Demand A Sign
18:1 Jmmanuel went away and escaped to the area of Sidon and Tyre.
18:2 And behold, the Sadducees and Pharisees came to him and demanded that he let them see a sign of his spiritual power.
18:3 But he answered, “In the evening you say, ‘Tomorrow will be a fair day, because the sky is red.’
18:4 “And in the morning you say, ‘Today will be foul weather, because the sky is red and cloudy.’ So you can discern the appearance of the sky, but can’t you then also discern the signs of the time?
18:5 “This wicked and faithless generation is seeking a sign; there shall be no sign given to it but the sign of Jonah who disappeared alive into the belly of the fish, stayed therein and came again alive into the light.”
18:6 And he left them and went away.
TCM Traditional Chinese Medicine, TOM Traditional Oriental Medicine, TM Traditional Medicine
A Person’s Spirit
A person’s spirit is their tiny piece of Creation, and Creation is forever. Creation never dies.
Once a spirit is created it cannot be reincarnated into a form that does not have spirit.
26:14 “Truly, I say to you: Wisdom has to be learned from the laws of Creation, which people recognize in nature.
Animals and forms “lesser” than animals do not have spirit. A dog will bark at the dog in the mirror, or perhaps try to get a communication going with that other dog in the mirror, or just ignore the other dog in the mirror. A really mellow dog may just get frustrated and ignore that “waste of time” dog in the mirror.
What happens when you put two dogs in front of the mirror? They will still ignore those two dogs in the mirror and play with each other. They recognize what is real and let go of the unreal.
Rejected Creatures
A dirty bird, a wacko bird will be rejected by the rest of the flock. It doesn’t meet their standards. They know. Birds reject the bird that is not meeting up to standards.
If a chicken bleeds, even just a speck of blood, the other chickens will peck at that speck of blood. Eventually that chicken with the speck of blood is no longer alive. Survival of the species.
Humans are the only species who carry their unfit with them. There are solutions, and they are humane solutions too. One is called sterilization.
But when the foundation is lies and false teachings, who is fit? The solution in that instance is truth, knowledge and wisdom. Solid foundation is very rewarding, more rewards.
Caribou and other herd animals will care for their young. If an older of their herd falls back and gets captured by a predator(s), maybe there’s not much they can do about it, but their young, they’ll do what they can. Horns, tusks, talons and others can be utterly persuasive.
The human baby is the most vulnerable for the most amount of time of all babies of all species. The human baby is the most treasured of all babies of all species.
6:33a “Look at the birds in the sky: They do not sow, they do not reap, they do not gather into barns, and yet Creation feeds them.
6:33b “Are you not much more than they?
6:34a “Look at the birds in the sky: They wipe out the harmful insects, and they have plumage for clothing, yet they have no spirit.
6:34b “They work because they carry out their duty, and they are fed and clothed by Creation.
6:34c “Are you not much more than they?
6:35 “You can think independently through your free consciousness, you can work independently and you can independently prepare food and drink and clothe your bodies.
6:36 “Behold the lilies in the marsh as they grow; they neither toil nor spin, yet truly, I say to you: The lilies also fulfill their mission, when they give pleasure to the eye with their beauty.
6:37 “I tell you, even Solomon in all his splendor was not arrayed as one of these.
6:38 “Creation nourishes and clothes the grass in the field, which today is living and tomorrow is thrown into the stove; should you then not do much more for yourselves?
6:39 “The grass fulfills its mission by serving as fodder and fuel; but are you not of much more value than grass, oh you of little faith?
God is a god………. “god is human as we are.”, “He was immortal, ancient and of giant size, like the celestial sons.”
Creation is not god. (small g due to indoctrination) “Creation is the immeasurable secret.”
At least a portion of this paragraph is incorrect:
Everybody needs love. Even Creation needs love. If there is a sympathy that is love, Creation, I give it to you now.
Talk is cheap – “Yes I’m cashin’ in this ten cent life for another one.”
I can’t presume to tell Creation what to do. I can’t presume to tell god what to do.
About God
T-shirt Idea (Back)
God is a god.
1:90 “There is no form comparable to him for this human race created by him; therefore, people should have no other gods besides him, who created other human races in other parts of the earth.
“because god is human as we are.”
If you want to be a better human, man or woman, call on god.
Gender problems? Talk to your spirit…… You can talk to god too.
16:54 “People are ignorant and immature because they consider god as Creation and follow the false teachings that were adulterated by scribal distorters.
16:55 “Thus, when people believe in god, they do not know about the truth of Creation, because god is human as we are.
16:56 “There is a difference, however, that in his consciousness and wisdom, logic and love he is a thousand times greater than we and greater than all people upon this earth.
16:57 “But he is not Creation, which is infinite and without any form.
16:58 “Thus, god is also a creature of the Creation, which , according to illogical human judgment, has no beginning and no end.”
16:47 They stepped into the boat, and Jmmanuel commanded the storm to stop. It abated, and the winds ceased.
16:48 Those who were in the boat marveled and said, “you are indeed a master of the spirit and someone who knows the laws of Creation.
16:49 “No one like you has ever been born, nor has any prophet known to us had such power.”
16:50 But Jmmanuel answered, “I tell you there are greater masters of spiritual power than I, and they are our distant ancestors of Petale [the mental plane close to Creation].
16:51 And great are they also, those who came out of space, and the greatest among them is god, and he is the spiritual ruler of three human races.
16:52 “But above him is Creation whose laws he faithfully follows and respects; therefore he is not omnipotent, as only Creation itself can be.
16:53 “Thus there are limits for him who allows himself to be called god and who is above emperors and kings, as the word says.
4:33 “Jmmanuel, you are in on the secret, begotten from among our ranks by a celestial son.
4:34 “With your knowledge you will make the impossible possible and accomplish things that the human races will attest to as miracles.
4:35 “You know the power of the spirit, but beware of abusing it.
4:36 “Your own wisdom and knowledge obtained through us will contribute to the well-being of the human races, though the road leading thereto will be very difficult for them and you.
4:37 “You will be misunderstood and renounced, because the human races are still ignorant and given to superstition.
4:38 “They believe that god is Creation itself and not the ruler of the celestial sons and these human races.
4:39 “Earth people attribute to him the omnipotence of Creation and glorify him as Creation itself.
4:40 “But god is a person, like all the celestial sons and the human races, except vastly greater in consciousness than they.
4:41 “Creation, however, is of immeasurably higher standing than god, the lord over the celestial sons and human races, because Creation is the immeasurable secret.
Various of all systems (tools and techniques) of truth, knowledge and wisdom are given by god and the celestial sons.
I can tell you all I know, the where to go, the what to do You can try to run but you can’t hide from what’s inside of you
Any Major Dude Will Tell You – song by Steely Dan 1974
I never seen you looking so bad, my funky one You tell me that your super fine mind has come undone
Any major dude with half a heart surely will tell you, my friend Any minor world that breaks apart falls together again When the demon is at your door In the morning it won’t be there no more Any major dude will tell you Any major dude will tell you
Have you ever seen a squonk’s tears? Well, look at mine The people on the street have all seen better times
Any major dude with half a heart surely will tell you, my friend Any minor world that breaks apart falls together again When the demon is at your door In the morning it won’t be there no more Any major dude will tell you Any major dude will tell you
I can tell you all I know, the where to go, the what to do You can try to run but you can’t hide from what’s inside of you
Any major dude with half a heart surely will tell you, my friend Any minor world that breaks apart falls together again When the demon is at your door In the morning it won’t be there no more Any major dude will tell you Any major dude will tell you
Any major dude will tell you
“My spirit,……..
26:28 “There is no higher happiness than wisdom, no better friend than knowledge, and no other savior than the power of the spirit.
“My spirit, give me knowledge of wisdom.”
“Help yourself” tends to imply, “Go for it, go whole hog, be greedy.”
“Helping me, what is helping me? What is really helping me?”
Sympathy in Action
Sympathy is a form of love when it is honest and not for attention or manipulation (not insincere.)……….. Maybe it is love when it is for attention.
power-hungry selfishness and self-glorification
It’s an interesting study.
16:18 When Jmmanuel heard this he was overcome with fear, and he went away on a boat to a deserted area. When the people heard that, they followed him on foot from the cities.
16:19 Jmmanuel saw the large crowd from the water. Feeling sorry for them, he went ashore and healed their sick.
When people keep leaning on sympathy it is a victim thing, it’s a drain.
Give people fish or teach them to fish.
A bird keeps feeding a baby bird, but that doesn’t last forever. Self-sufficiency is love: Each bird becomes self-sufficient.
Some speculation that the following song is about earth. Some lines may be about others though, maybe earth and some inhabitants (personal to each person.)
ELO – It’s A Livin’ Thing
Sailin’ away on the crest of a wave, it’s like magic Oh, rollin’ and ridin’ and slippin’ and slidin’, it’s magic
And you and your sweet desire You took me, oh (higher and higher, baby)
It’s a livin’ thing It’s a terrible thing to lose It’s a givin’ thing What a terrible thing to lose
I’m takin’ a dive Dive
Makin’ believe this is what you’ve conceived From your worst day (I’m takin’ a dive) Oh, movin’ in line, then you look back in time To the first day (I’m takin’, I’m takin’)
And you and your sweet desire (don’t you do it, don’t you do it) You took me, oh (higher and higher, baby)
It’s a livin’ thing It’s a terrible thing to lose It’s a givin’ thing What a terrible thing to lose
I’m takin’ a dive All the same Hey
Takin’ a dive, ’cause you can’t halt the slide Floating downstream (I’m takin’ a dive) Oh, so let her go, don’t start spoiling the show It’s a bad dream (I’m takin’, I’m takin’)
And you and your sweet desire (don’t you do it, don’t you do it) You took me, oh (higher and higher, baby)
It’s a livin’ thing It’s a terrible thing to lose It’s a givin’ thing What a terrible thing to lose
It’s a livin’ thing It’s a terrible thing to lose It’s a givin’ thing
Songwriters: Jeff Lynne
Do It Again (for the first time)
In 2021 I first wrote about my research findings how the land was turned into desert twice. (see posts: MyFocusOfPurpose.us (first post) and “Goats, Mountain Goats” Soon after, placed in front of my face was a youtube video of the song “Do It Again.” I really liked the song called Do It Again in my youth, but I never knew the words to it. So I looked at the lyrics for the first time in 2021 and quickly saw, “This is just what I wrote about! This confirms my research!”
Do It Again (and my research)
1st Verse: Turning the land (Africa & the Middle East) into a sand desert 13,000 years ago, then again ~3,000 years ago. “the man who stole your water”
2nd Verse: They did it twice. (Do it again.) “your two-timer” Reference to “end times.”
3rd Verse: Truth, knowledge and wisdom (The land of milk and honey) reveals their deeds. 3rd verse also mentions “blackguards, or blaggards” also, “black cards” is of course cheating.
Do It Again – Steely Dan 1972
(1st Verse)
In the mornin’ you go gunnin’ for the man who stole your water And you fire ’til he is done in but they catch you at the border And the mourners are all sangin’ as they drag you by your feet But the hangman isn’t hangin’ and they put you on the street
You go back, Jack, do it again, wheel turnin’ ’round and ’round You go back, Jack, do it again
(2nd Verse)
When you know she’s no high climber then you find your only friend In a room with your two-timer, and you’re sure you’re near the end Then you love a little wild one and she brings you only sorrow All the time you know she’s smilin’ you’ll be on your knees tomorrow, yeah
You go back, Jack, do it again, wheel turnin’ ’round and ’round You go back, Jack, do it again
(3rd Verse)
Now you swear and kick and beg us that you’re not a gamblin’ man Then you find you’re back in Vegas with a handle in your hand Your black cards can make you money so you hide them when you’re able In the land of milk and honey, you must put them on the table
You go back, Jack, do it again, wheels turnin’ ’round and ’round You go back, Jack, do it again
The white race wasn’t even around. Who turned Africa and the Middle East into a sand desert 13,000 years ago?
Landscape Goat
Approximately 3,000 years ago, a large number of people did massively irresponsible goat herding. Moses led huge huge huge multitudes and multitudes of his peoples into the wilderness. And they wandered and wandered and wandered and after 40 years the land they were wandering through had become sand desert.
Well they turned it into desert by over-grazing with their goats. Goats are not a plains animal. Examples of plains animals are cows and sheep. But goats, for the most part, are to be left on the mountains. You can clear brush with goats. They’re great for clearing briars, but they have to be used responsibly, and you only need a few goats. (Today you can clear brush, including briars with machinery. That’s perhaps a better option.)
So those people protected their goats from predators, giving the goats free range, literally, and they ate up everything in sight. Nibble on those trees, you know, where the tree can’t survive anymore.
Then when they saw their error of turning the land into desert, rather than take responsibility that they did it with over-grazing their goats, they simply made the landscape goats the “scapegoats.” (Another word for landscape is scape.)
They created their favorite holiday with that, Yom Kippur, where they create a scapegoat and “set the scapegoat free.”
Then they made humans the scapegoats. “And set the scapegoat free.” Yeah right. Sure! After you’ve destroyed their reputation, destroyed their livelihood, destroyed their families, then you “set the scapegoat free.” It doesn’t work with humans like it does with goats. And your lie blaming the goats for turning Africa and the Middle East into desert is well apparent too. Your irresponsible goat herding and never once taking responsibility after, started the whole thing.
They’ve made whole countries the scapegoats. In recent years I’ll tell you this, the good guys did not win World War I. And the good guys did not win World War Ii.
Adolf Hitler was adamant from 1930 on, “The threat is communism! The threat is communism! Why are you picking on me?” This was Alolf Hitlers stance all along.
Within 6 months of the end of WWII in 1945, the Zionist newspapers were touting, “OH, Germany is not the enemy! Its the communists! The communists are the enemy! They’ve been the enemy all along.” The same thing Adolf Hitler was saying for 20 years prior.
Only a few examples of people who have been scapegoated: David Irving, archival historian author. Awarded with honors, and award winning books. After being scapegoated, had to publish his own books. His family suffered with aspects of both suicide and divorce.
Fred Leuchter, fully recognized as an engineer in his field. He designed gas chambers. After being scapegoated he suffered divorce, slandered reputation, mental and emotional turmoil due to the relentless attacks (all of their victims receive this) eventually being denigrated to selling matches on street corners.
Shock And Awe Power Grab
And bragging rights (rights?)
My friend John (That’s not his real name, but let’s go with it.) was involved where he shouldn’t have been, with a cult, so he was really screwed up, unable to have a decent direction. He left the cult, but indoctrination was still clinging to him. He was acquainted with this Jew who, even amongst the Jewish community was too much for them. Let’s call this Heb Ishmael.
Often, Ishmael would approach John with some outlandish discussion. Was it a shock and awe power grab? Definitely some kind of bragging rights. Every topic was a brag about something that should probably not be talked about.
Subconsciously, John had enough, but he knew about the law of expansion, so when Ishmael came to him yet again with yet another “dump” this time saying, “This woman told me she wants to be my sex slave.” John’s response was, “What did you tell her?”, to which Ishmael said, “Nuh nuh..nuh, (mumbles, but definitely no)”. So John, subject to this constant barrage every time he meets this guy, had enough and subconsciously expanded upon it: “She told you she wants to be your sex slave? And you said no?!”
Little did John know he was in trouble with that one. (That is the truth.) Turns out Ishmael claiming to be John’s good friend was actually a spy working against John’s best interests, and that discourse was all that was needed to smear John’s reputation.
Eventually John left the area and started anew elsewhere.
The Jews have always been known as wanderers. They wander the wilderness, make it desert and blame the scapegoat, wander to another wilderness, make it desert, wander to another wilderness, make it desert. That’s what they do. All the while blaming the scapegoat. They will never really learn and never really grow as long as they do not take responsibility.
It Hits The Truth
30:2 They undressed him and put a purple coat on him,
30:3 made a wreath of thorns, placed it on his head, put a cane into his right hand, bent their knees before him and said,
30:4 “We greet you, great king of wisdom of the Judeans.”
30:5 And they spat on him, took the cane out of his hand, and beat him with it on the head until blood ran over his face.
30:6 When he was miserable and bleeding, Caiaphas, the high priest, asked, “What are you going to do now, great king of wisdom?”
30:7 But Jmmanuel was quiet, saying not a word.
30:8 They hit him again on the head, and he sighed in pain and started to speak. “As it is written in the old prophets, that I am the king of wisdom of the Judeans, it hits the truth; so I am the true prophet of all human races on earth; but in all truth I am not the prophet of those confused Israelites who call themselves sons and daughters of Zion.
30:9 “Truly, I say to you, if you beat and mock me, you shall be beaten and mocked by those whom you, since ancient times, have enslaved and whose land you and your forefathers have plundered.
“because the power-hungry selfishness and self-glorification of I______ will bring death and destruction over the land and all the world.”
false and stolen rights
24:45 “There will be hatred against you in this world, and even the future will bring you neither rest nor peace until you retreat from the land stolen by you, or until you make a conciliatory peace and create brotherly trust and unity with your enemies and renounce your false and stolen rights.
Taking responsibility for a guilt that is not yours, is that close to being (or) just as bad as not taking responsibility at all? I’m sincere in that question. (Narcissist parents)
8:13, 8:14, 8:15, 8:16, 8:17, 8:18
The lies and false teachings the past 3,000 years, until it is dismantled, is a foundation of sand. With such a foundation, can the reputation of anybody or anything be trusted for whatever reputation it is? (Can anybody see it in God’s eyes?)
One must live within the parameters of what is “here and now.”
I don’t want to use the term rat derogitorily though. How do people of the orient feel about it? The Year Of The Rat.
Really a racer, that rat. Race here, race there, the few times I saw her. Her, him, whatever it was.
Clean vehicle, better vehicle. Much better vehicle now.
My spirit, 6:16a
3:25 “The lie can never withstand the truth, which destroys evil in its fire.
3:26 As John the Baptist thus spoke, behold, Jmmanuel of Galilee then came to him at the Jordan, to be baptized by him.
3:27 John, however, refused him and spoke, “I certainly need to be baptized by you, because you possess greater knowledge than I, and you come to me?”
3:28 But Jmmanuel answered him, “Let it happen so now, because it is fitting for us to fulfill all justice, since we are both sons of the earth.”
One Step Beyond – (TV-1959) REUNION
“. . . They (the Polish authorities) torture those that refuse to confess in so grim a manner, that the inquisition of the Middle-Ages dwindles into nothingness before the sufferings to which the Poles subject their prisoners in and near Vilna.”
From: Pierre Valmigère, “And to-morrow . . . ? France, Germany and Poland”.
The further you go into Poland, the more you find pillage and murder. Russian proverb.
“One, however, of the Slav Peoples, the Poles, forms a sorry exception. Violence and intolerance have left their mark on its history.”
From: Danilewsky, Russia and Europe.
“. . . The oppression of the Ukrainian minority in Poland is growing worse every day. It would perhaps be wearisome to record the oppressive acts, . . . such a record would be of almost impossible length. But there are certain things that cannot be left unrecorded, that must be heard by the civilised world — namely, the horrible and inhuman barbarities that are inflicted on Ukrainian political prisoners in Polish gaols, and which are part of the war waged by the Polish dictatorship against the Ukrainian minority.”
From: “Manchester Guardian” of December 12, 1931: “Oppression of Ukrainians. Methods of Middle Ages revived by Poles.” Special Report from Lemberg (East Galicia).
“. . . As long as the Poles show some insight, and are outnumbered, they appear submissive and adaptable; but once they have found a weak spot and have gained the upper hand, they become headstrong, arrogant and cruel . . . The unfettered licence in which the Poles live, and their law, which allows all crimes with the exception of one or two to be expiated by money, is the real cause of the fact that, among other things, homicide is very common in Poland.” From the Diary of the Frisian Nobleman Ulrich von Werdum 1671/72.
“Fellow countrymen and brothers, who like myself have had the misfortune to become acquainted with the Poles, unite with me in order to eradicate, once and for all, the maliciousness and falsity of that people. Let all brothers hear, let every echo resound that the Pole knows no law and justice and that the word of a Tartar is a hundred times better than all the treaties signed in Poland.” From: Méthée: Histoire de la Prétendue Révolution de Pologne. Paris 1792, p. 184
“This nation of peasants inclines to drink, quarrel, abuse and murder; it would be hard to find so many murders in any other nation.” From: Richard Roepell: Geschichte Polens, Bd. I., Hamburg 1840.*
Woodrow Wilson gives part of germany known as the Prussian corridor over to the Poles of Poland,
to which the Poles respond by murdering 52,000 German citizens in that Prussian Corridor WITH THE ENCOURAGEMENT AND BLESSINGS OF THE POLISH GOVERNMENT.
Woodrow Wilson, the Poles and the Polish government started WWII. Every Single Zionist newspaper (all major newspapers) in The United States and western Europe were saying, “Germany AttCks Poland WITHOUT ANY PROVOCATION”…….. “Britain And France Declare War On Germany”
B E R L I N 1 9 4 0
Compiled by Hans Schadewaldt
Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told
the human is not the problem
lies and false teachings is the problem
What is their foundation?
If the physical foundation is lousy, then the spiritual foundation is just as lousy and untrue.
What’s a lousy foundation? Overpopulation, filth (rivers of trash and defication common in the streets), polution, poverty, overpopulation, corruption, spiritual con men due to the incest gene. Why should we listen to them?
Or, drug cartels running things, rampant corruption, and again, poverty, and they’re winning? Make more babies! What constitutes winning in their minds? To destroy what is good? In USA here, I’ve had hispanic women walk up beside me and say, “You’re going to have to learn Spanish.”
Its because the Israeli lobby opens the borders to every white country they can do it to.
Sterilization for solving problems is nothing new. Been around for eons, along with castration and loss of life.
“They worship holy things, false gods and idols, but not Creation, nor do they follow its laws “
I’m not holy. I’m not a holy man.
What is holy has no power. What is holy is meant to inspire. (Sometimes, oftentimes or all the time) it may be true that what is holy has less movement than a king on a chessboard.
“My spirit,…………. your name be holy.”
Moses…….. Barabbas……… King Richard The Lionhearted ………… Lion-Man
The King Pin
Lonnie was the kingpin Back in nineteen sixty-five I was singing this song When Lonnie came alive
Lonnie swept the playroom And he swallowed up all he found It was forty-eight hours til Lonnie came around