

“Humanity was never perfect in spirit and so has never fallen away from Creation.”
„Die Menschheit war nie vollkommen im Geiste und ist daher nie von der Schöpfung abgefallen.“
«Человечество никогда не было совершенным по духу и поэтому никогда не отпадало от Творения».
“De mensheid was nooit volmaakt van geest en is dus nooit van de Schepping afgevallen.”
« L’humanité n’a jamais été parfaite en esprit et ne s’est donc jamais éloignée de la Création.
«Η ανθρωπότητα δεν ήταν ποτέ τέλεια στο πνεύμα και έτσι δεν απομακρύνθηκε ποτέ από τη Δημιουργία».
„Az emberiség soha nem volt tökéletes lélekben, és így soha nem esett el a Teremtéstől.”
„Lidstvo nikdy nebylo duchem dokonalé, a proto nikdy neodpadlo od Stvoření.“
”Ihmiskunta ei ole koskaan ollut hengeltään täydellinen, joten se ei ole koskaan erkaantunut Luomakunnasta.”
”Mänskligheten var aldrig perfekt i anden och har därför aldrig fallit bort från skapelsen.”
«Menneskeheten var aldri fullkommen i ånden og har derfor aldri falt bort fra skaperverket.»
»Menneskeheden har aldrig været perfekt i ånden og er derfor aldrig faldet fra skabelsen.«
“A humanidade nunca foi perfeita em espírito e, portanto, nunca se afastou da Criação.”
«La humanidad nunca fue perfecta en espíritu y por eso nunca se ha alejado de la Creación».
„Ľudstvo nikdy nebolo duchom dokonalé, a preto nikdy neodpadlo od Stvorenia.“
„Človeštvo ni bilo nikoli popolno v duhu, zato ni nikoli odpadlo od stvarstva.“
„Човечеството никога не е било съвършено по дух и затова никога не е отпаднало от Творението.“
“L’umanità non è mai stata perfetta nello spirito e quindi non si è mai allontanata dalla Creazione”.
“Cilvēce nekad nav bijusi garā perfekta, tāpēc tā nekad nav atkrituši no Radīšanas.”
„Žmonija niekada nebuvo tobula dvasia, todėl niekada nenutolo nuo Kūrinijos.“
„Omenirea nu a fost niciodată perfectă în spirit și, prin urmare, nu s-a îndepărtat niciodată de Creație.”

The Three Races

The three races created by god and the celestial sons began with Adam around 13,000 years ago.

1:2 Semjasa, the celestial son and guardian angel of god, the great ruler of the distant travelers who traversed the expanse of the universe, together with a terrestrial woman, begot Adam, the father of the white human race.

1:3 Adam took for himself an earth wife and begot Seth.

The locations of the three races were revealed to Jmmanuel through the celestial gates. Adam and his people lived in a special area, a small portion of which, much later (only 3,000 to 2,000 years ago) became the scene of Israel.

regarding Jmmanuel 2,000 years ago:

4:13 Here, he saw the celestial gates open, of which there were three different ones.

4:14 The celestial gates radiated in brightest Sohar an area great as the lifeless sea near the river Jordan.

4:15 Actually radiating therein was the whole land of Israel, alive and true, humans and animals and everything that was there.

4:16 In this first celestial gate, there was no concealed secret, because the Sohar entered into the smallest room of the cottages and revealed the last hidden thing.

A group(s) traveled east from the first location.

4:17 Inside the second celestial gate, there rose mighty mountains, whose tops reached into the sky and disappeared into the clouds.

4:18 Far below lay deep masses of snow, at whose edges another human race, of brown skin, built their huts.

Further in the 2,000 year old text is made mention of “the land of the king with horns.” He was of the third race, the group(s) deriving of the first that traveled north.

4:19 The third celestial portal revealed a land of gigantic dimensions, mountainous and interspersed with rivers, lakes and seas, where again another human race dwelled.

15:31 “These few patriarchs are knowers of truth and true knowledge, and they recognize only the laws of Creation.

15:32 “However, they have become rare in this land and can be counted on one hand.

15:33 “They are only a few, and no one’s eyes may see them, and no one’s ears may hear them.

where does god reside? Chapter 4 is why I ask.


“The Americans are a very lucky people. They’re bordered to the north and south by weak neighbors, and to the east and west by fish.” Otto von Bismarck.

What’s a strong country? Overpopulation so he can fight in wars?……….. Oooo what a lucky man, he was (Song from around 1970)


Animals in the wild have been known to reject young ones, and the whole herd rejects them. Have I have seen it? No. Ask a wildlife person.

Consider the cause may be incest when they call it autism, Aspergers or Down’s syndrome.

You can’t hide your moron eyes.

On rare occasions the incest gene can produce what appears to be the cream of the crop, the creme de la creme, meaning the person produced just seems to be perfect. Always look closely for anything that may be “off.” Could be an ego thing or a pride thing. Incest, if not dealt with effectively could have dire consequences for individuals and the planet.

All self aware beings, whatever level of self-awareness they may be, have access to communication with the three highest ____________ (fill in the blank): god, spirit and Creation.


Its time for the white races to stand up to their god-hood, stand up for their god-hood.

Talmud of Jmmanuel

Not the Jewish Talmud