

The history of Europe is wars, white against white.

Even today we see Russia vs Ukraine which is white against white.

The famous French writer Voltaire lived until he was 83 years old. Voltaire passed away in 1778, 2 years after the Independence of the United States of America.

The following quote by Voltaire in 1771 states that Bretons and Germans were blonde haired. Where are all the blondes now? Is white white anymore?


How the US Civil War came about

People rode the railways all through the northern states spreading rumors, lies that “Oh! You know what the south is planning to do to the north don’t you?”


People rode the railways all through the southern states spreading rumors, lies that “Oh! You know what the north is planning to do to the south don’t you?”

Another meaning of railroaded is duping the Chinese and the Irish into slavery to make the railway lines. Another meaning of railroaded is “doing whatever they want, like how they built the railroads and controlled the monopoly.”

When the Confederate flag started flying throughout the southern states, people knew war awaited.

They push you down the tracks like you’re being pushed by a train and you’re stuck on the tracks they put you on – That’s Railroaded.

Israel White?

Was Israel ever all white? No, “never one distinct people.”

10:26 “Truly, I say to you: The nation of Israel was never one distinct people and has at all times lived with murder, robbery and fire. They have acquired this land through ruse and murder in abominable, predatory wars, slaughtering their best friends like wild animals.

Mohammed Was White

The three races created by god and the celestial sons were the three white races to bring intelligence to the planet so people could follow the laws of Creation. Mohammed, the original Mohammed, the white Mohammed looked like this (4:30), or was of this race:

4:28 “Behold, humans begotten by the celestial sons were different in a specific way from other people on Earth.

4:29 “They were not like Earth humans, but like the children of the celestial angels, a different kind.

4:30 “Their bodies were white as snow and red as the rose blossom, their hair at the top of the head white as wool and their eyes beautiful.

Being a prophet of god, Mohammed was a good man. (“This man will create a forceful new sect especially for preserving the truthful teaching”) Mohammed was on Earth 500 years after the cross incident and he resided in Petra, the trading hub of the world. 1,500 years ago Petra was lush and green and beautiful and was where Mohammed lived. Today Petra is sand desert.

10 years ago* Mecca was located about 300 miles south of Petra. (*Mandela Effect happens a lot. Distance might be something else now.)

About 250 years after the real prophet Mohammed, some criminals among the brown-skinned people made up their own prophet Mohamed and put him in place. And their prophet, a fictional character, was a cad, a no good cad. That way they could say with smiles on their faces, “Well our prophet does it so we should do it too!” , thus allowing them in their minds to rape pillage and plunder, invade other countries and so forth. That way the criminals could take over, and they did and its been a cutthroat situation over there ever since. And they turned that land more into desert, including Petra.

The symbol throughout their land became “The Crescent and the Star.” The pastry called the croissant was named after it, (some say mocking it,) and was originally somewhat circular like their symbol, “the crescent and the star.”

Like everything else, this symbol they stole. It wasn’t a crescent at all. Here’s what it was:

An Eclipse

Eclipse and a Corona

A crescent moon never goes past half way as you see in these pictures.

And no star near the rim of the moon

Chapter 30

30:1 The soldiers of the governor agreed with the chief priests and the elders and, dragging Jmmanuel with them into the court house, they brought the entire crowd with them.

30:2 They undressed him and put a purple coat on him,

30:3 made a wreath of thorns, placed it on his head, put a cane into his right hand, bent their knees before him and said,

30:4 “We greet you, great king of wisdom of the Judeans.”

30:5 And they spat on him, took the cane out of his hand, and beat him with it on the head until blood ran over his face.

30:6 When he was miserable and bleeding, Caiaphas, the high priest, asked, “What are you going to do now, great king of wisdom?”

30:7 But Jmmanuel was quiet, saying not a word.

30:8 They hit him again on the head, and he sighed in pain and started to speak: “As it is written in the old prophets, that I am the king of wisdom of the Judeans, it hits the truth, so I am the true prophet of all human races on earth; but in all truth I am not the prophet of those confused Israelites who call themselves sons and daughters of Zion.

30:9 “Truly, I say to you, if you beat and mock me, you shall be beaten and mocked by those whom you, since ancient times, have enslaved and whose land you and your forefathers have plundered.

30:10 “And the time will come in five times 100 years when you will have to atone for this, when the legitimate owners of the land enslaved by you will begin to rise against you and fight against you into the distant future.

30:11 “A new man will rise up in this land as a prophet and will rightfully condemn and persecute you and you will have to pay with your blood.

30:12 “This man will create a forceful new sect especially for preserving the truthful teaching and will have himself recognized as a prophet and in so doing persecute you through all times.

30:13 “Even though, according to your claim, he will be a false prophet and you will revile him, he will nevertheless be a true prophet, and he will have great power, and he will have your race persecuted throughout all time in the future.

30:14 “His name will be Mohammed, and his name will bring horror, misery and death to your kind, which you deserve.

30:15 “Truly, truly, I say to you: His name will be written for you with blood, and his hatred against your kind will be endless.

30:16 “Since he will be a true prophet, but according to you a false one, he will bring you a doctrine that will seem to you confusing and unintelligible, and his rising sect will eventually be finished when his and your followers will lay the foundation for a bloody end, because his teaching will be distorted and falsified and end in an evil and wrong sect.”

30:17 And as he talked that way, the chief priests and members of the council of elders seethed in rage and beat him so hard that he collapsed and whimpered.

30:18 After they had beaten and mocked him, they took off his coat, put only his garments back on and led him away to crucify him.



12:7 “If, however, two women bed down with one another, they should not be punished, because they do not violate life and its laws, since they are not inseminating, but are bearing.”

“life is violated and destroyed” – sand desert

12:8 “When inseminator and inseminator join together, life is violated and destroyed, but if conceiver and conceiver get together there is neither violation nor destruction nor procreation.

12:9 “Truly, I say to you: There are no animals under the sky that are like people and would go against the laws of Creation and nature; but are you not much more than the animals?

12:10 “No animal under the sky can be found whereby male cohabits with male, or female with female, because both male and female animals follow the laws of nature.


26:11 “Commandments and laws are valid only if they are derived from wisdom and logic, 26:12 “but logic requires wisdom and understanding. Proverbs 26:14 “Truly, I say to you: Wisdom has to be learned from the laws of Creation, which people recognize in nature. 26:15 “But if they do not think and search, they will not attain wisdom and remain fools. 26:16 “The wise do not cry over lost things, over the dead and over things of the past. 26:18 “Those who are rich in wisdom and live according to the laws do not allow creatures to suffer even the least hurt, if they are without fault. 26:20 “Because people do not follow wisdom and do not seek knowledge, nor understand the laws, they are filled with imprudence and vice. 26:22 “If people receive daily in due manner just a little wisdom in their consciousness, they grow like the waxing moon during the light half of the month. 26:23 “Wisdom is the greatest asset of humanity and so is the created will, which is lord over love and happiness, but all this is meaningless without the power of the spirit. 26:25 “Those who take care of a cow always receive milk; likewise, those who nurture wisdom and apply it through the power of the spirit bring forth rich fruit. 26:27 “There is no eye equal to wisdom, no darkness equal to ignorance, no power equal to the power of the spirit, and no terror equal to poverty of consciousness. 26:28 “There is no higher happiness than wisdom, no better friend than knowledge, and no other savior than the power of the spirit.

From Chapter 26, Talmud of Jmmanuel, written 2,000 years ago.


26:14 “Truly, I say to you: Wisdom has to be learned from the laws of Creation, which people recognize in nature.

26:15 “But if they do not think and search, they will not attain wisdom and remain fools.

26:16 “The wise do not cry over lost things, over the dead and over things of the past.

26:17 “Fools cry over things that are not worth crying over, thereby increasing their grief, need and misery.

26:18 “Those who are rich in wisdom and live according to the laws do not allow creatures to suffer even the least hurt, if they are without fault.

26:19 “Fools who do not conquer their senses mistake damage for advantage, advantage for damage and great suffering for joy.

26:20 “Because people do not follow wisdom and do not seek knowledge, nor understand the laws, they are filled with imprudence and vice.

26:21 “The dishonest, stupid, defiant, gteedy, unscrupulous, uncouth and angry will be hurt like people who are poor in consciousness.

26:22 “If people receive daily in due manner just a little wisdom in their consciousness, they grow like the waxing moon during the light half of the month.

26:23 “Wisdom is the greatest asset of humanity and so is the created will, which is lord over love and happiness, but all this is meaningless without the power of the spirit.

26:24 “Fools who wait for fate to act without doing anything themselves perish like an unfired pot in water.

26:25 “Those who take care of a cow always receive milk; likewise, those who nurture wisdom and apply it through the power of the spirit bring forth rich fruit.

26:26 “Understand each law of Creation and once you have understood it, adhere to it and live accordingly, because the laws are the greatest wisdom.

26:27 “There is no eye equal to wisdom, no darkness equal to ignorance, no power equal to the power of the spirit, and no terror equal to poverty of consciousness.

26:28 “There is no higher happiness than wisdom, no better friend than knowledge, and no other savior than the power of the spirit.

26:29 “Those who have intelligence may grasp my speech so they will be wise and knowing.

“Welcome to the winning side.” – Handbook for the New Paradigm

Saul and Proverbs


(Too much) pendulum, pendulum games, Ouija Board – evil.

I once asked in my mind: “Are you A.I.?

Answer in my mind: “Tru ruh ruh rust me.”

My personal preferences

I don’t do drugs, legal or illegal, nor do I do vaccines, nor would I subject my children to them no matter how “different” they are.

Don’t get me wrong. If emergency medicine is the best available, do it. Emergency situations.

The Pharisees Demand A Sign

18:1  Jmmanuel went away and escaped to the area of Sidon and Tyre.

18:2  And behold, the Sadducees and Pharisees came to him and demanded that he let them see a sign of his spiritual power.

18:3  But he answered, “In the evening you say, ‘Tomorrow will be a fair day, because the sky is red.’

18:4  “And in the morning you say, ‘Today will be foul weather, because the sky is red and cloudy.’ So you can discern the appearance of the sky, but can’t you then also discern the signs of the time?

18:5  “This wicked and faithless generation is seeking a sign; there shall be no sign given to it but the sign of Jonah who disappeared alive into the belly of the fish, stayed therein and came again alive into the light.”

18:6  And he left them and went away.

TCM Traditional Chinese Medicine, TOM Traditional Oriental Medicine, TM Traditional Medicine

A Person’s Spirit

A person’s spirit is their tiny piece of Creation, and Creation is forever. Creation never dies.

Once a spirit is created it cannot be reincarnated into a form that does not have spirit.

26:14 “Truly, I say to you: Wisdom has to be learned from the laws of Creation, which people recognize in nature.

Animals and forms “lesser” than animals do not have spirit. A dog will bark at the dog in the mirror, or perhaps try to get a communication going with that other dog in the mirror, or just ignore the other dog in the mirror. A really mellow dog may just get frustrated and ignore that “waste of time” dog in the mirror.

What happens when you put two dogs in front of the mirror? They will still ignore those two dogs in the mirror and play with each other. They recognize what is real and let go of the unreal.

Rejected Creatures

A dirty bird, a wacko bird will be rejected by the rest of the flock. It doesn’t meet their standards. They know. Birds reject the bird that is not meeting up to standards.

If a chicken bleeds, even just a speck of blood, the other chickens will peck at that speck of blood. Eventually that chicken with the speck of blood is no longer alive. Survival of the species.

Humans are the only species who carry their unfit with them. There are solutions, and they are humane solutions too. One is called sterilization.

But when the foundation is lies and false teachings, who is fit? The solution in that instance is truth, knowledge and wisdom. Solid foundation is very rewarding, more rewards.

Caribou and other herd animals will care for their young. If an older of their herd falls back and gets captured by a predator(s), maybe there’s not much they can do about it, but their young, they’ll do what they can. Horns, tusks, talons and others can be utterly persuasive.

The human baby is the most vulnerable for the most amount of time of all babies of all species. The human baby is the most treasured of all babies of all species.

6:33a “Look at the birds in the sky: They do not sow, they do not reap, they do not gather into barns, and yet Creation feeds them.

6:33b “Are you not much more than they?

6:34a “Look at the birds in the sky: They wipe out the harmful insects, and they have plumage for clothing, yet they have no spirit.

6:34b “They work because they carry out their duty, and they are fed and clothed by Creation.

6:34c “Are you not much more than they?

6:35 “You can think independently through your free consciousness, you can work independently and you can independently prepare food and drink and clothe your bodies.

6:36 “Behold the lilies in the marsh as they grow; they neither toil nor spin, yet truly, I say to you: The lilies also fulfill their mission, when they give pleasure to the eye with their beauty.

6:37 “I tell you, even Solomon in all his splendor was not arrayed as one of these.

6:38 “Creation nourishes and clothes the grass in the field, which today is living and tomorrow is thrown into the stove; should you then not do much more for yourselves?

6:39 “The grass fulfills its mission by serving as fodder and fuel; but are you not of much more value than grass, oh you of little faith?


Terminology Is Important

Terminology is very important.

God is a god………. “god is human as we are.”, “He was immortal, ancient and of giant size, like the celestial sons.”

Creation is not god. (small g due to indoctrination) “Creation is the immeasurable secret.”

At least a portion of this paragraph is incorrect:

Everybody needs love. Even Creation needs love. If there is a sympathy that is love, Creation, I give it to you now.

Talk is cheap – “Yes I’m cashin’ in this ten cent life for another one.”

I can’t presume to tell Creation what to do. I can’t presume to tell god what to do.

About God

T-shirt Idea (Back)

God is a god.

1:90 “There is no form comparable to him for this human race created by him; therefore, people should have no other gods besides him, who created other human races in other parts of the earth.

“because god is human as we are.”

If you want to be a better human, man or woman, call on god.

Gender problems? Talk to your spirit…… You can talk to god too.

16:54 “People are ignorant and immature because they consider god as Creation and follow the false teachings that were adulterated by scribal distorters.

16:55 “Thus, when people believe in god, they do not know about the truth of Creation, because god is human as we are.

16:56 “There is a difference, however, that in his consciousness and wisdom, logic and love he is a thousand times greater than we and greater than all people upon this earth.

16:57 “But he is not Creation, which is infinite and without any form.

16:58 “Thus, god is also a creature of the Creation, which , according to illogical human judgment, has no beginning and no end.”

16:47 They stepped into the boat, and Jmmanuel commanded the storm to stop. It abated, and the winds ceased.

16:48 Those who were in the boat marveled and said, “you are indeed a master of the spirit and someone who knows the laws of Creation.

16:49 “No one like you has ever been born, nor has any prophet known to us had such power.”

16:50 But Jmmanuel answered, “I tell you there are greater masters of spiritual power than I, and they are our distant ancestors of Petale [the mental plane close to Creation].

16:51 And great are they also, those who came out of space, and the greatest among them is god, and he is the spiritual ruler of three human races.

16:52 “But above him is Creation whose laws he faithfully follows and respects; therefore he is not omnipotent, as only Creation itself can be.

16:53 “Thus there are limits for him who allows himself to be called god and who is above emperors and kings, as the word says.

4:33 “Jmmanuel, you are in on the secret, begotten from among our ranks by a celestial son.

4:34 “With your knowledge you will make the impossible possible and accomplish things that the human races will attest to as miracles.

4:35 “You know the power of the spirit, but beware of abusing it.

4:36 “Your own wisdom and knowledge obtained through us will contribute to the well-being of the human races, though the road leading thereto will be very difficult for them and you.

4:37 “You will be misunderstood and renounced, because the human races are still ignorant and given to superstition.

4:38 “They believe that god is Creation itself and not the ruler of the celestial sons and these human races.

4:39 “Earth people attribute to him the omnipotence of Creation and glorify him as Creation itself.

4:40 “But god is a person, like all the celestial sons and the human races, except vastly greater in consciousness than they.

4:41 “Creation, however, is of immeasurably higher standing than god, the lord over the celestial sons and human races, because Creation is the immeasurable secret.


Various of all systems (tools and techniques) of truth, knowledge and wisdom are given by god and the celestial sons.